Review Update on Haematocarpus validus

Shiny C. Thomas


Haematocarpus validus, known as blood fruit due to its fruit’s color, is a member of the Menispermaceae family
and a critically endangered fruit crop that contains numerous nutraceuticals and traditional medicinal properties
and is primarily found in South Asian countries. Various plant parts have been traditionally used to treat jaundice,
anemia, itching, blood disorders, and body aches. Despite its many valuable properties, H. validus remains
underutilized because its economic potential is still untapped. The goal of this review is to provide an overview
of the plant’s morphological characteristics, traditional usage, phytochemical profiles, and biological properties
based on research data and analysis of the research findings. The morphological characteristics of the plant are
thoroughly studied by individual observation by the authors, and they are validated by the Botanical Survey of
India, Shillong. The current review provides exhaustive information on this wonderful plant so that the research
breach can be taken for further rigorous investigation on its biological potential, genetic identity, sustainable
propagation, and so on. Although the review provides comprehensive data on H. validus based on limited research
findings, the lack of research on this plant is surprising and strongly recommends the need for extensive research
on H. validus as a miraculous blood fruit woody climber

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